Country: Brazil
Variety: Catuai
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1,100 masl
Notes: Hazelnut, Brown Sugar, Apple
Usage Preference: Milk Base Drinks, Espresso Drinks
Paubrasil Natural comes from farms operated by Grupo Montesanto Tavares (GMT). GMT farms are vertically integrated with the exporting and importing companies operated by the group, providing direct collaboration between each stage of the supply chain. While Brazilian coffee is most commonly associated with Natural and Pulped Natural post-harvest processes, Paubrasil Natural provides a clean, sweet, and pleasant cup highlighting a lesser-seen side of the country’s coffee production. The Chapada de Minas is a beautiful small region with stunning topography shaped by plateaus and river canyons. The flatter plateau areas promoted the mechanization of the region’s coffee plantations. Coffee cultivation began in the 1870s and brought significant economic benefits to the region by increasing employment opportunities. Among all coffee regions, this area is the most important for small producers and is essential to the local economy.